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Vacuum Clay Mixers

Vacuum Clay Mixers

With your Actidyn vacuum clay mixer you can now create a perfectly water-saturated homogenous clay mixes containing no gas bubbles of any kind. The usual preparation method for a clay mix consists in two phases:  mixing the clay with water, pressurized consolidation,   which allows to obtain a clay mix with predetermined geotechnical properties. this process takes 4 to 5 weeks.  With your Actidyn vacuum clay mixer you can now achieve this in a few hours only and obtain a perfectly homogenous water-saturated mix, free of air bubbles, something that cannot be obtained through the standard method.  Your time is precious. With your Actidyn vacuum clay mixer invest it on what really matters: your geotechnical modeling experiments, not the preparation of your model.With your Actidyn vacuum clay mixer you can now create a perfectly water-saturated homogenous clay mixes containing no gas bubbles of any kind. The usual preparation method for a clay mix consists in two phases:

  • mixing the clay with water,
  • pressurized consolidation,


which allows to obtain a clay mix with predetermined geotechnical properties. this process takes 4 to 5 weeks.

With your Actidyn vacuum clay mixer you can now achieve this in a few hours only and obtain a perfectly homogenous water-saturated mix, free of air bubbles, something that cannot be obtained through the standard method.

Your time is preciousWith your Actidyn vacuum clay mixer invest it on what really matters: your geotechnical modeling experiments, not the preparation of your model.

Brochure Download

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